Thursday, January 21, 2010

HELP! im in pain toe nail damage!!??

I was running around chasing my dog bare foot at night ( I know stupid %26gt;%26lt;), when I hit a brick and fell, my toe nails are long so when I hit the brick I hit it with the 3 toe on my left foot, the top of it was scraped and got cut, but inside my nail was bleeding, and I found out the nail was off the nail bed, what can I do without going to a doctor? or is it really nessasary to go? it hurts alot, and has slight bleeding I have been useing Hydrogen peroxide on it and this cream anesthia, can I try to remove the nail? ohh by the way im 13 so yeah pretty young to do any adult like things and yes I told my mom, and she said to look on the internet xD hahahaha cause they laughed when I fell!! so yeah PLEASE help ( It happend yesterday night so its been about a day)HELP! im in pain toe nail damage!!??
First of all, lay off the peroxide. It's doing more damage than good. If the blood is pooling under the nail and can't get out, you will need to put a hole in the nail. You will need some help with that part. To do it, use a large pin, and heat it until it glows. Immediately put in on the nail, and remove it when it cools. Repeat this process until you see a bead of blood push up through the hole. It won't hurt unless you press, and you don't need to do that. You also can't burn a hole in your toe- the blood coming up will cool the needle before you could do that anyway. As soon as you relieve the pressure under the nail, it will feel a lot better. Don't try to remove the nail, it's protection for the toe you will need. And it may not come off anyway. New nail growth will push it out gradually over the next few months. It will be really tender for a few days, so just wear open toe shoes and try to avoid bricks. Prop the foot up to help with the thumping sensation, take some Tylenol or Motrin if you like. That's all you need to do dear.HELP! im in pain toe nail damage!!??
Keep it clean like you're doing..don't pick at it.. You may lose the nail but it'll grow back. If the pain continues, you may have to have the bood under the nail removed, or you can do it yourself with a hot paper careful...
it takes 6 to 9 months for a toenail to grow completely back sounds painful, I'm sorry
I read this off the internet a few years ago and its a home remedy. It can be dangerous so be smart! Get a paper clip and straighten it out. Hold it in a flame or on a stove until it gets red hot (hold at the opposite side and wrap a paper towel around it). Then put the hot tip of the paperclip on the nail and hold it there until the trapped blood comes out through the hole. Be very careful!!! The pressure from the blood under the nail is part of why it hurts so bad. After you drain it keep neosporin and a bandaid on it so it wont get infected.
  • lotion cream
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