Saturday, January 23, 2010

Im travelling 2 canada n ny soon n i was wondering do u tip @ places like starbucks/nail salons/maccas? Thanks?

I don't know what maccas is. I tip the esthetician at least $5 - about 15%. At cafes and snack bars without table service, I might put the change smaller than $2-coins in the jar. At a restaurant with table service, at least 15% figured before the tax, and a higher percentage if I'm eating alone and the bill is small.

I tip more generously in the USA than in Canada, because I know that hotel cleaners and restaurant staff get paid less in the USA. In Canada, they're eligible for the minimum wage of $8-$10, but it's still difficult to live with dignity on that income.Im travelling 2 canada n ny soon n i was wondering do u tip @ places like starbucks/nail salons/maccas? Thanks?
Places such as Starbucks generally have a tip cup on the counter, you can opt to put in your change or a dollar if you so choose to. As for salons etc, yes tip as you would in most locations around the world. Tipping in Canada does not differ from tipping in America, etc.Im travelling 2 canada n ny soon n i was wondering do u tip @ places like starbucks/nail salons/maccas? Thanks?
In the city where I live, they actually don't even have tip cups out at Starbucks, because they don't expect it. If I tip anything, I will just leave the change (like 50 cents if it's a $4.50 coffee). When I go to get my hair or nails done, I tip between 15% and 20%. I tip the same at restaurants, depending on the service. This is pretty normal.
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