Saturday, January 23, 2010

Should I stop eating my nails im afraid???

Well if you are afriad, that could explain why you have chosen to nibble on them like they are a delicacy. What are you afraid of? You should quit chewing on them, yes. I had to learn the hard way about that. It will ultimately make ridges in your nail bed that will forever be a pain to smooth out. Plus it will not allow your nails to grow strong or straight.Should I stop eating my nails im afraid???
BE AFRAID, VERY AFRAIDShould I stop eating my nails im afraid???
do you realise how many germs live on your finger tips and under nails........yakky........STOP IT NOW

you could get worms or worse.......
it is worse than smoking,you do know where your fingers have been.
yes, try sugar free gum or a stress ball or something. it looks bad after wards and during, and there are so many germs, you could get sick or something.
afraid of what? not gonna kill ya! but if ya want em to look good....and it don't look good to do it than sure.
afraid of what? being a normal, healthy part of society???
I don't know if it is true, but i was always told that eating nails and swallowing them was poisonous, so stop eating them.
Yes if you want to.Dip them in mustard and vinegar.
Yes. Because it really bugs other people who have to watch you. My sister does it permenantly and trust me, I get seriously peed off!
Well, I have heard that there are more germs under your fingernails than on the toilet. I know its hard (I used to nail bite myself), but please stop. It doesn't look pretty and nearly cost me big time at a job interview as it is an insight to your personal hygine (so I was told). Plus your fingers will look more slender, and think of all the money you can spend on jewellery to adorn your newly manicured hands. You can buy some nail biting solver from Avon that you put on and it tastes really nasty (just don''t lick your fingers after eating a bag of crisps - lol). That may help you. Good luck in kicking the habit.
you should not do eating your nails. its dangerous for health. you should always cut your nails.
Afraid of what???
They're actually harmless and would pass through your body but you should consider seeing a doctor as to why you are eating them in the first place?
do u literally eat ur nails!!??? i dont think u should swallow them...I bite my nails but dont swallow them!
Don't u know that u could get a tapeworm????

It'll eat ur stomach up, literlly....

hey i do it too especially when I'm watching a scary movie or when I'm going to have a speech in class.but we should stop it doesn't look good on girls....
you do what??
It's only recycling
ew, yea... if you're hungry go eat some real food, good god!
yes, remember your hands pick up germs and they especially grow under your nails.
You can catch worms from eating your nails
no, carry on. Your nails a re a great source something, don't know what.

a bit of dirt never hurt you, i bite my nails, normally after mucking out the cow shed, i'm OK...I think
Yes you should who wants jagged nails? If you're a girl paint it in a color that you like. You won't want to ruin them once you see how pretty they look.

If you're a guy maybe you can paint it clear polish, they'll look pretty too but only you'll know that it's there.
YES, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! have you ever thought of what crap is lurking under your nails, also bitten nails look disgusting and the sound of someone chewing their nails is really annoying.
you mean you literally eat your fingernails? biting your nails is somewhat ok but eating them I don't know LOL
yes. I had an ex-husband ,his mother had to have an operation to get the nails out of her stomach.
Yes; the nails are just skin, and that won't hurt you, but the bacteria that collects under them can make you very sick. Scrub your hands with a nail brush at least once a day, and wash your hands often. Keep your nails trimmed short and that will help not to bite them.

Nail biting is a sign of stress; look into what is stressing you out and see if there's anything you can do to lessen your nerves such as cutting down on caffiene etc. You could chew sugarless gum as a way of working out your nerves, much better than biting your nails!
my wife does it and i just hate it

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