nail poish remover might workHow do you remove nail polish from carpet just spilled... help!!!! im sure theres a household ingredient to do
Best way I've found to get specific stain removal information is to do an Internet search. Enter key words such as
Remove Nail Polish Stain from Carpet.
If you have it available to you paint thinner is a sure way to get it out or if you were painting your nails a second ago then you'll probably have nail polish remover handy, you might try that.But when all else fails you can always get out the trimming scissors and trim the carpet.
nail Polish remover !!!!! duuuuuu !!
n@il p0lish r3m0v3r @nd bl3@ch
nail polish remover, alchohol,and carpet cleaner gets it up
um...a cloth with nail polish remover? just rub it on the stain...Yeah, not household ingredient, but if you have nail polish, there should be a nail polish REMOVER...yeah.
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