Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I stepped on a rusty nail! I had gotten my tecnaus last year (im in 8th so i got it in 7th)!?

like i said i had gotten my tecnaus last year. i had cut my foot at least 1 week ago. it was a really deep cut and right now i am sick do u think that the sickness is caused by the nail? the cut was so deep that the skin hasnt healed yet!!!! PLZ HELP ME!!I stepped on a rusty nail! I had gotten my tecnaus last year (im in 8th so i got it in 7th)!?
A tetanus booster is good for 5 years, so you're clear on that. If your wound is so deep that it isn't healing properly (especially after one week), you need to see a doctor for possible stitches. You also may need to have the wound irrigated to make sure there aren't any particles lingering in there. If the wound is red, or leaking yellow or green fluid (some fluid is fine, but it should be clear, or slightly orange-tinged), you have an infection and need to see a doctor immediately to be put on antibiotics.

Long story short, see a doctor. Foot wounds can get infected easily, and you don't want to mess with that. For now, keep it clean with anti-bacterial soap (don't use deodorant soap...Dial is best) and water, and keep the wound dry and covered, especially when you are wearing socks and shoes.

Feel better soon.I stepped on a rusty nail! I had gotten my tecnaus last year (im in 8th so i got it in 7th)!?
Tetanus starts with infection of the injury site. If your wound is not infected, you are not headed toward tetanus.

I don't think your sickness is due to the puncture wound either, unless it is badly infected. If it is, you should probably see a doctor. One problem with puncture wounds is that they sometimes heal up on top, leaving infection to grow underneath, forming an abscess. If the wound is still painful, it's a bad sign. I don't mean if it is a little tender; a little tenderness in a deep nail puncture wound is pretty normal and may last several weeks or more. No big deal.

Having said all that, it would have been a good idea to get a tetanus booster.
your shot from last year is still good.if i were you i would still go to see a physician.you never know if there was some thing on that neil.only a physician can truly tell you why your sick.

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