this depends on what you are getting. You can still get it done of course. But be choosy about the salon that you are going to. You see... the salons that have alot of fumes were cause by cheap liquid that is used on fake nails OR they don`t have the suction vents to sucks away the smells. If i were you, i would go to a salon that have alot of pedicure chairs. When there is alot of pedicure chairs.. it means that this place have more customers coming in for a pedicure instead of fake nails. so the fumes wouldn`t be that bad. The most inportant thing is that you CANNOT get arcylic nails done when you are pregnant. arcrylic nails can really harm the baby. If i were you... i would recomend getting alot of pedicure. When they massage.. make sure they massage in the area around where your ankle is. That area can really help the baby. well.. i hope this helps... because i know how it is. i work in a nail salon also. I`ve seen pregnant people stopping by. I hope this helps.Can i still get my nails done if i just found out im pregnant?
you`re welcome.. i`m glad that you find my information helpful. :)
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I still get mine done. In fact the girl that does them is prego too
I still get my nails done you don't have to stop.
Yeah, just don't get your toenails painted or the fumes will waft right up there like a chimney. You don't want junior popping out and being stoned, do you? Heh, heh, heh...
Wear a mask (sometimes the nail techs do that).
The smell on your finger nail isn't good for the baby.
the fumes in a salon isnt good for you, it is really critical int he first few mons because that is when the baby is developing the most, wait atleast 4 mons
I personally wouldn't there are so many chemicals in a nail salon, it's not worth risking it...
I'm 32 weeks and I still get my nails done... you will be ok!
I was told your not supposed to breath in the chemicals, wear a mask
no wait until the baby is born,then leave the baby with a sitter.those nail places don't want baby to get can ask your doctor if you really must do it now.
Yes, you can. Just try to avoid a really high fumed yucky smelling nail salon.
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