Monday, May 10, 2010

Ok im going for a second interview ,for a job i realy want and i know i will be great at how do i nail it?

be yourself like you was in the first interview, look smart, sit back in the chair and if they ask what you find fault in in yourself, dont say nothing, we all have faults, good luck, you can do it!Ok im going for a second interview ,for a job i realy want and i know i will be great at how do i nail it?
I got the job no problem,excellent

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Ok im going for a second interview ,for a job i realy want and i know i will be great at how do i nail it?
Look at the requirements for the job and match your talents to them...then drop these in during the interview ie ';I understand this position requires someone with sales experience which is ideal as I worked in the sales dept for - comp name- for x years and I'd like to build on that/use that to move in another direction'; and so on.

Also, think about one quality YOU have that noone else has that is needed for this job and let the interviewer know it. The second interview isn't just about selling yourself and hoping for the best, you have to try and subtely discredit the other applicants. For example '; I understand that many of the people who have applied for this job may have done so simply because of the high salary (?) but I am attracted by the opportunities to progress my career...expand on this and relate it to their advert/company) This way you are planting the seed that the others aren't suitable, and each time they interview another, they will have a slight concern about them. I hope I explained this ok...these tips really do work...I have got every job I applied for...good luck
Make sure you know all about the company or whatever the institution is that way it shows you're interested. Then make sure you know your CV inside out and and go through it completely fluently emphasising the main points or areas where you have achieved something good. Be prepared for some, possibly stupid, questions about strengths and weaknesses and alike, and prepare some questions to ask at the end make sure you have a few of them in case they get answered during the interview. Don't seem too desperate though and don't slag off any previous employers. Good luck!
Be yourself. If you're right then you'll get it.
Be yourself and be confident.

Good Luck
Carry a gold pen with you. Give them something and thank them once for seeing you for a second time. Find out about the company you are seeing and be assertive.
nice clean shoes and be yourself good luck
Congrats! If you got a 2nd interview you probably already did all the right things. Keep up the good work. I always advise a smile, firm handshake and eye contact. Other than that your skills will speak for themselves. Good luck!
Sell yourself. be a suck up brat. If they ask you what your weakness is, give them something sappy like ';oh I'm a perfectionist';

Tell them what they want to hear.
just be you're self you got the second interview so you cant be doing that bad
Make sure you show up 15 minutes early make sure your hair is neat teeth are brushed and breathe smells nice. Also don't over do it with cologne a little but not to much. Try and be very polite and do all of the listening. don't babble on over nothing and a big key is to always maintain eye contact with the person who makes the final decision in hiring you. If that person speaks stare them in the eyes with a interest in your eyes. Never ever ever take away your eye contact or turn to check out someone else, even if its the sexy hot sec who brings him his mail. maintain eye contact up until he hires you. eye contact will show you don't get distracted easily and that you are interested in what they do. hope this helps, good luck with it!
Lick his boots as you will if you get the job
Try and develop your answers more from the first interview. They're going to be asking different things and wanting more detail or wanting to know about stuff they didn't ask before. If you haven't already research the company, try and find out where your role would fit into the wider picture and try and think of ways your role could expand or develop within the company.
You don't know until they call you back.

Sometimes, employers seem so nice at the end of every single interviewee. They just don't want all of them to lose confidence. That's what it is.

Don't give too high of hope and don't give up hope either!
If you want to really cocky, at the end of the interview say ';So, when would you like me to start?'; - it worked for me, I got the job!
You obviously did something right to get to 2nd interview so do what you do best - be yourself - try not to be something you aren't.

Remember when you are being interviewed the people want to be sure you can actually do the job so show you have the skills/experience to do the job well.
stay calm, panic never looks good, think of some sensible questions to ask at the end, research the major roles of the job and ensure at one point of the interview you drop some details of it, not too much you make look a littlle slimy. Have a good sense of humour, remember the main thing about work is that the majority of it is team work, so look like some one who will fit in.
well u could turn up that would be a start
See the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end. Visualize the successful interview as you're going to sleep at night, and as you're awakening in the morning.

Thank God for your detachment from the job, and assure Him that you want this job only if He wants you to have it. Be content with the will of God. He already knows if you got it or not. If you don't get it, it's because there's a better one down the road. Leave the matter in His hands, and you will become so relaxed and detached, the interview will just flow smoothly and just right.
Tell them you have another offer that you're considering.

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